Morningsider (1929-11)
Morningsider (1929-11)
Morningside College
Archives (3rd Floor)
The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. This Alumni News Letter was published for the month of November in 1929.
The condition of this issue isn't the best, with rips and tears along its entirety. There is also a crease in the middle of the pages, indicating that the edition had been folded in half and kept that way for a long time. The issue is also discolored to a dark yellow, but that doesn't make any text illegible. Overall, the issue has seen better days with its many tears and folds, but it could be worse since all the text and pictures are still legible.
The condition of this issue isn't the best, with rips and tears along its entirety. There is also a crease in the middle of the pages, indicating that the edition had been folded in half and kept that way for a long time. The issue is also discolored to a dark yellow, but that doesn't make any text illegible. Overall, the issue has seen better days with its many tears and folds, but it could be worse since all the text and pictures are still legible.
Table Of Contents
The Alumni News Letter-pg. 14
Officers of Alumni Association-pg. 14
Remember Your Dues-pg. 14
Miss Dimmitt and Dean Graber Play Great Part in Life of Morningside Men and Women-pg. 15
Alumni and Ex-Students Enjoy Sioux Day Festivities-pg. 16
Prof. Hayes Has Elaborate Plans for Dramatic Club-pg. 17
The Morningside College Men's Glee Club Has Itinerary of Twenty-five Towns-pg. 17
Dr. Ruthven's Sioux Day Speech-pg. 18
The Sioux city Community Symphony Orchestra in First Concert Nov. 21-pg. 20
Frosh win Annual Class Day Event-pg. 21
Simpson-Morningside Game is Feature of Dad's Day, November 16-pg. 21
Carol Larson Honored By Students Sioux Day-pg. 21
Orchestral Choir Opens Sioux City Concert Course-pg. 21
News Items from Our Alumni-pg. 22
President A.G. Ruthven is Alumnus of Morningside, '03-pg. 22
Hundreds of High School Athletes to Be Feted, Nov. 9-pg. 22
Officers of Alumni Association-pg. 14
Remember Your Dues-pg. 14
Miss Dimmitt and Dean Graber Play Great Part in Life of Morningside Men and Women-pg. 15
Alumni and Ex-Students Enjoy Sioux Day Festivities-pg. 16
Prof. Hayes Has Elaborate Plans for Dramatic Club-pg. 17
The Morningside College Men's Glee Club Has Itinerary of Twenty-five Towns-pg. 17
Dr. Ruthven's Sioux Day Speech-pg. 18
The Sioux city Community Symphony Orchestra in First Concert Nov. 21-pg. 20
Frosh win Annual Class Day Event-pg. 21
Simpson-Morningside Game is Feature of Dad's Day, November 16-pg. 21
Carol Larson Honored By Students Sioux Day-pg. 21
Orchestral Choir Opens Sioux City Concert Course-pg. 21
News Items from Our Alumni-pg. 22
President A.G. Ruthven is Alumnus of Morningside, '03-pg. 22
Hundreds of High School Athletes to Be Feted, Nov. 9-pg. 22
Morningside College
Date Created
12 Pages
8 Inches x 11 Inches
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Alumni-News-Letter_MDC_1929-11-01_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 01 Scans > Alumni-News-Letter_MDC_1929-11-01_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Original Format
Morningside College, “Morningsider (1929-11),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed March 5, 2025,