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Morningside College's Archives

Morningsider: New Series, Number 167 (1931-05)


Morningsider: New Series, Number 167 (1931-05)


Morningside College: Creator


Archives (3rd Floor)


The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider New Series, Number 167 was published for the month of May in 1931.

This issue is in good condition, but does have a number of minor flaws. One is the crease in the middle of the pages, which indicates that the issue had been folded in half and kept that way for a long time. there are also smudges on some of the pages, but none make the text illegible. There are also little rips and tears randomly throughout the issue, including a bigger one on every page because of the crease. Some writing is also scattered throughout the issue, but overall the condition is good.

Table Of Contents

Officers of Alumni Association-pg. 26
Executive Committee-pg. 26
Alumni Representatives board of Trustees-pg. 26
Editorial Comment-pg. 26
Morningside College Offers-pg. 26
Busy Athletic Season This Spring-pg. 27
Schedule for the 1931 Maroon Season-pg. 27
Football Comment-pg. 27
Extensive and Successful Forensic Season During 1931-pg. 27
Fraternities of Morningside College-pg. 28
Beautiful Residence Quarters for Women-pg. 28
Dr. Frank E. Mossman Resigns Presidency of Morningside College-pg. 28
Chicago Musical Critics Laud the Morningside Singers-pg. 29
College Choir Wins Unanimous Praise-pg. 29
Music Festival at East Junior High School May 15-16-pg. 29
Okoboji Summer Music Camp is Popular with Students-pg. 29
Commencement Activities Keep Seniors Busy During the Month of May-pg. 30-31
Banquet Plans Announced-pg. 30
Commencement Program-pg. 30-31
Diplomas Presented June 2nd-pg. 31
Seven Candidates for Bachelor of School Music Degree-pg. 31
Campus Clippings-pg. 32
Play Day is Successful-pg. 32
Chicago Alumni Hold Annual Meet-pg. 33
Library Has Interesting Collection of Rare Books-pg. 33
John D. Kolp, '14-pg. 33
The Alumni Forum-pg. 34
L. H. Kingsbury, '13-pg. 34
Andrew Staugger to Europe-pg. 34
Placement Bureau Announces Teaching Positions-pg. 35
Dr. Robert H. McBride, '18-pg. 35
Extensive Successful Forensic Season During 1931 (continued from page twenty-seven)-pg. 35
For a Greater Morningside-pg. 36


Morningside College

Date Created





12 Pages
7.75 Inches x 10.75 Inches




Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No167_MDC_1931-05_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No167_MDC_1931-05_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)

Original Format



Morningsider: New Series, Number 167 (1931-05)



Morningside College: Creator, “Morningsider: New Series, Number 167 (1931-05),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed February 14, 2025,