Morningsider: New Series, Number 137 (1928-12)
Morningsider: New Series, Number 137 (1928-12)
Morningside College: Creator
Archives (3rd Floor)
The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider New Series, Number 137 was published for the month of December in 1928.
Even with its more advanced age, this edition is in great condition. The only issues with it are slight smudges across the front and back covers, but nothing to render text illegible, and also minor fraying of the outside edges of the inserted pages. The two innermost pages are separated from the binding, but are kept in place by the other pages surrounding them. But other than that, this edition is in great condition.
Even with its more advanced age, this edition is in great condition. The only issues with it are slight smudges across the front and back covers, but nothing to render text illegible, and also minor fraying of the outside edges of the inserted pages. The two innermost pages are separated from the binding, but are kept in place by the other pages surrounding them. But other than that, this edition is in great condition.
Table Of Contents
The Gymnasium-pg. 1
Officers of the Morningside Alumni Association-pg. 2
Alumni Greetings-pg. 2
Morningside Forensic Season Opened by Interdisciplinary Debates-pg. 3
Speakers Meet Many Outstanding Teams-pg. 3
Maroons Down Des Moines University in Snowstorm--6 to 0-pg. 4
South Dakota State Wins Thanksgiving Game 13 to 7-pg. 4
"M" Club Initiates Nine Members of Football Team-pg. 4
Maroon Basketball Team Begins 1928-29 Season With Two Veterans-pg. 5
Ten Seniors Close Grid Careers Against South Dakota State College-pg. 5
Sale of 1930 Sioux to Alumni Planned by the Manager-pg. 6
Dr. Ida Belle Lewis is Gust at Morningside Dinner in Hollywood-pg. 7
Alumni Notes-pg. 7
Midland Downs Morningside-pg. 10
Alumni Association Treasurer's Statement-pg. 10
Officers of the Morningside Alumni Association-pg. 2
Alumni Greetings-pg. 2
Morningside Forensic Season Opened by Interdisciplinary Debates-pg. 3
Speakers Meet Many Outstanding Teams-pg. 3
Maroons Down Des Moines University in Snowstorm--6 to 0-pg. 4
South Dakota State Wins Thanksgiving Game 13 to 7-pg. 4
"M" Club Initiates Nine Members of Football Team-pg. 4
Maroon Basketball Team Begins 1928-29 Season With Two Veterans-pg. 5
Ten Seniors Close Grid Careers Against South Dakota State College-pg. 5
Sale of 1930 Sioux to Alumni Planned by the Manager-pg. 6
Dr. Ida Belle Lewis is Gust at Morningside Dinner in Hollywood-pg. 7
Alumni Notes-pg. 7
Midland Downs Morningside-pg. 10
Alumni Association Treasurer's Statement-pg. 10
Morningside College
Date Created
12 Pages
5.75 Inches x 8.5 Inches
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No137_MDC_1928-12_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No137_MDC_1928-12_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)
Original Format
Morningside College: Creator, “Morningsider: New Series, Number 137 (1928-12),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed March 11, 2025,