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Morningside College's Archives

Morningsider: Volume 01, Number 02 (1943-05)


Morningsider: Volume 01, Number 02 (1943-05)


Morningside College: Creator


Archives (3rd Floor)


The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider Volume 01, Number 02 was published for the month of May in 1943.

The condition of this issue is a bit worse for wear, and has many problems and concerns. First off, there is a crease in the middle of the issue, which indicates that it had been folded in half and then stored that way for a long time. Stemming from this crease, there are rips and tears on most of the pages along the line. There are also three hole punches in the left side of the issue, but these seem to do no harm other than the holes themselves. Some of the pages are ripped completely free of the binding, or are on their way to being free; most of them are torn along the binding and are barely hanging on. There are also several stains throughout the edition, but none of these obscure any text. Overall, this issue has seen better days and its condition is not good, but all the text and pictures are legible and easy to see, so it's not all that horrible.

Table Of Contents

Professor Henry F. Kanthlener-pg. 1
Commencement Program---1943-pg. 1
Alumni Chorus Will Sing Again at Commencement-pg. 1
College Announces Summer Plans-pg. 2
Faculty Chapel-pg. 2
Reunions-pg. 2
Engagements-pg. 2
College Forum is Popular-pg. 3
Morningsiders in Print-pg. 3
Former Faculty News-pg. 4
Marriages-pg. 4
Campus Activities-pg. 4
Wee Morningsiders-pg. 4
New York Notes-pg. 4
Morningside College Alumni and Former Students in Service-pg. 5
Military Notes-pg. 8
Lieut. Col. Horace F. Wulf-pg. 8
College Transcripts for War Service-pg. 8
Track-pg. 9
Zeta Sigma Program-pg. 9
The Old Order Changeth-pg. 9
Missing in Action-pg. 9
Trustee Election-pg. 9
Class Notes-pg. 10
Our Boys Write Us-pg. 10
With Our Boys-pg. 11
For Morningside War Service Records-pg. 12


Morningside College

Date Created





12 Pages
9 Inches x 12 Inches




Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No2_MDC_1943-05_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No2_MDC_1943-05_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)

Original Format



Morningsider: Volume 01, Number 02 (1943-05)



Morningside College: Creator, “Morningsider: Volume 01, Number 02 (1943-05),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed March 12, 2025,