Morningsider: Volume 08, Number 02 (1949-10)
Morningsider: Volume 08, Number 02 (1949-10)
Morningside College: Creator
Archives (3rd Floor)
The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider Volume 08, Number 02 was published for the month of October in 1949.
The condition of this issue is fair, with only a few minor concerns. The biggest of these is the crease in the middle of the pages, suggesting that the issue had been folded in half and kept that way for a while. There's also three hole punches along the inner side of the pages. There are also a few rips and tears, but nothing too major. Overall, this edition is in fair condition.
The condition of this issue is fair, with only a few minor concerns. The biggest of these is the crease in the middle of the pages, suggesting that the issue had been folded in half and kept that way for a while. There's also three hole punches along the inner side of the pages. There are also a few rips and tears, but nothing too major. Overall, this edition is in fair condition.
Table Of Contents
Homecoming Biggest and Best in Years-pg. 1
"M" Men Honor "Saundy"-pg. 1
Queen Marjorie-pg. 1
Attention All Former Alpha Tau Delta Members-pg. 2
Reunions to be Held in Des Moines-pg. 2
Hoyt J. Granter Named Secretary-pg. 2
Marriages-pg. 3
Agora Sponsors All-College Sing-pg. 3
Classmates Get Together-pg. 3
Students Build Own Radio Station-pg. 4
Wee Morningsiders-pg. 4
Attend Opening of New Store-pg. 4
Campus Visitors-pg. 5
Maroon Frosh Defeat Tutors-pg. 5
Cage Season Begins-pg. 5
Sister's Tea-pg. 5
Alumni Officers for 1949-50-pg. 5
Nee Family to Study in Sioux City-pg. 6
In Memoriam-pg. 6
Maroons Near Top in Conference Competition-pg. 7
Class Notes-pg. 8
"M" Men Honor "Saundy"-pg. 1
Queen Marjorie-pg. 1
Attention All Former Alpha Tau Delta Members-pg. 2
Reunions to be Held in Des Moines-pg. 2
Hoyt J. Granter Named Secretary-pg. 2
Marriages-pg. 3
Agora Sponsors All-College Sing-pg. 3
Classmates Get Together-pg. 3
Students Build Own Radio Station-pg. 4
Wee Morningsiders-pg. 4
Attend Opening of New Store-pg. 4
Campus Visitors-pg. 5
Maroon Frosh Defeat Tutors-pg. 5
Cage Season Begins-pg. 5
Sister's Tea-pg. 5
Alumni Officers for 1949-50-pg. 5
Nee Family to Study in Sioux City-pg. 6
In Memoriam-pg. 6
Maroons Near Top in Conference Competition-pg. 7
Class Notes-pg. 8
Morningside College
Date Created
8 Pages
9 Inches x 12 Inches
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No02_MDC_1949-10_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No02_MDC_1949-10_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)
Original Format
Morningside College: Creator, “Morningsider: Volume 08, Number 02 (1949-10),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed March 12, 2025,