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Morningside College's Archives

Morningsider: Volume 04, Number 06 (1946-02)


Morningsider: Volume 04, Number 06 (1946-02)


Morningside College


Archives (3rd Floor)


The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider Volume 04, Number 06 was published for the month of February in 1946.

This condition is in bad condition and has some major concerns. The biggest of these are the three hole punches along the inside of the pages and the crease in the middle of the pages that suggests it was folded in half. there are also multiple rips and tears along the pages, including the front which has a tear along most of the page along the crease line. Overall, this edition is in poor condition with multiple concerns.

Table Of Contents

Davis Head Coach at Morningside-pg. 1
Ezio Pinza Presents concert-pg. 1
Morningside Students Receive Degrees-pg. 1
Attend I. E. A. Convention-pg. 1
Construction New Science Science Hall to Begin Soon-pg. 1
Morningside Increases Staff-pg. 1
Sletwold to Conduct tour-pg. 2
Alfred Strozdas Named Director of Recreation-pg. 2
Alumni Living Endowment-pg. 3
Wee Morningsiders-pg. 3
Campus Visitors-pg. 3
"Post-War" Living Has Come to Morningside Campus-pg. 3
Wee Morningsiders-pg. 4
Campus News-pg. 5
Marriages-pg. 5
Annual Reunion in Des Moines-pg. 5
Letters from Service Men-pg. 5
Fraternity Life Returns-pg. 5
Four M.S. Students Attend Methodist Parley-pg. 5
Awarded Alumni Scholarships-pg. 6
Class Notes-pg. 6
In Frankfurt-pg. 6
Maroons in Top Form at Midseason-pg. 7
"M" Club Reorganizes-pg. 7
Coach "Pete" Hall Leaves San Leandro-pg. 7
Veteran Housing Problem Solved-pg. 7
Help! Help!-pg. 7
Morningside Defeats South Dakota-pg. 7
Former Judge Brown in Manilla-pg. 8
Honored by War Dept.-pg. 8
Assistant Engineer-pg. 8
Deaths-pg. 8
Entertain for Pensis'-pg. 8


Morningside College

Date Created





8 Pages
9 Inches x 12 Inches




Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No06_MDC_1946-02_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningside-College-Bulletin-No06_MDC_1946-02_01-01_02.pdf (Web Version)

Original Format



Morningsider: Volume 04, Number 06 (1946-02)



Morningside College, “Morningsider: Volume 04, Number 06 (1946-02),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed September 1, 2024,