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Morningside College's Archives

Morningsider (1962-06)


Morningsider (1962-06)


Morningside College: Creator


Archives (3rd Floor)


The Morningsider was a monthly newsletter that Morningside College sent to Alumni to keep them informed about what was happening on campus and in the lives of other alumni. The Morningsider was published for the month of June in 1962.

This issue was not given a volume or number. It also contains an insert Directory of 8 pages that are not numbered and located between pages 14 and 15.

Table Of Contents

The President's Pen- pg. 2
New Dimensions- pg. 2
On the Cover- pg. 2
Joe Hale Memorial- pg. 2
Hickman Elected President of College Board of Trustees- pg. 3
Hickman Delivers Baccalaureate Address- pg. 3
Athletic Department Wants Pictures- pg. 3
Lay Cornerstone For Commons- pg. 4
Dimmitt Hall Addition Ready Soon- pg. 4-5
Morningside College Choir- pg. 5
"Medea" Cast Visits Miss Dimmitt- pg. 5
Physical Education at Morningside- pg. 6
Alum Supports Belief in Athletics by Endowing An Athletic Scholarship- pg. 7
A. R. Van Wyngarden- pg. 7
Athletics- pg. 8
Are You Included Here?- pg. 9
Faculty and Staff- pg. 10-12
Dr. Allen Jackson Named Acting Dean- pg. 11
Forensic Team Completes Season- pg. 13
McCollin in Sioux City's Hall of Fame- pg. 13
LADS Join Men's National Fraternity- pg. 13
Language Lab Now in Use- pg. 14
National Science Foundation Grant- pg. 14
High School Workshop Held on Campus- pg. 14
Don Stone Speaks at Father-Son Dinner- pg. 14
Dr. Hawthorne Writes Book- pg. 14
Class of 1912 Returns Twenty Strong- pg. 15
"Doc" Berkstresser Receives a Degree- pg. 16
122 June Graduates- pg. 16
'62 Class Inducted Into Tribe of Sioux- pg. 16
Dick King ('41) Addresses Alumni- pg. 16
Reunion Classes For June, 1963- pg. 16
David W. Stewart Receives Honorary Degree- pg. 17
Wills and Estates- pg. 17
1962 Alumni Award Recipients- pg. 18
James A. Coss, Jr. '37- pg. 19
Floyes Beaver Entrekin '33- pg. 19
Charles H. Klippel '19- pg. 19
Alvah L. Miller '09- pg. 19
65 Years Ago at Morningside- pg. 20
60 Years Ago- pg. 20
Did Santa Slip?- pg. 20
And Now I Will Sing...- pg. 20
Hilker '38 Medical Director for Illinois Bell- pg. 20
High Presbyterian Post to Caine '42- pg. 21
Robert A. Caine- pg. 21
Francis Jones '42 Coach at LeMars- pg. 21
Ted Barnowe Lectures at Airforce Academy- pg. 21
Emme Contest Judge- pg. 21
'35 Grad NMA Director- pg. 21
Post to Vesta Ketels- pg. 21
Griffin Named to U. S. Chamber Post- pg. 22
Meyer to New Position- pg. 22
Former Morningside Coach Dies in Ohio- pg. 22
Elmer Hansen '30 Honorary Referee- pg. 22
Morningsiders Active Community and Civic Participants- pg. 22
Alumni Represent Morningside at College Inaugurals- pg. 22
Leone Eidsmoe Commended- pg. 22
Attention Teachers- pg. 23
Music Sorority Goes National- pg. 23
Russ Kraai Honored by Sioux City Relays- pg. 23
Class Notes- pg. 24-25
In Memoriam- pg. 25-26
How About the '39 and '40 Era?- pg. 26
Beverly Gail Brooks- pg. 26
Margo Lederer Coleman- pg. 26
Wee Morningsiders- pg. 26
Cedar Rapids Club Meets- pg. 26
Music Camp Now a Home- pg. 27
Music Workshop- pg. 27
Price '51 on Film Assignment- pg. 27
Wedding- pg. 27
Club ATD- pg. 27
Richard Meyer '57 MATO Assistant- pg. 27
'62 Graduate to Peace Corps- pg. 27
Football Schedule- pg. 28
This issue contains an insert Directory of 8 pages that are not numbered and located between pages 14 and 15.


Morningside College

Date Created





9 Inches x 12 Inches
28 Pages
This issue contains an insert Directory of 8 pages that are not numbered and located between pages 14 and 15.




Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningsider-MDC_1962-06_01-01_01.pdf (Original Version)
Archives HD > MDC - Morningsider > Version 02 Scans > Morningsider-MDC_1962-06_01-01_02.pdf(Web Version)


Morningsider (1962-06)



Morningside College: Creator, “Morningsider (1962-06),” Morningside College's Archives, accessed January 23, 2025,